Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Will the Jewish community and ADL condemn this racist the way they have tried to condemn Mel Gibson? I Doubt it!

The over reactions of the Jewish community toward anyone who opposes their mainstream position has been demonstrated time and time again in the main stream media. Historically anyone who confronts the Jewish stance on politics and exposes their own idealized hypocrisy has been black balled and labeled as anti-Semitic. In many instances, these allegations are warranted. There are many who truly are anti-Semitic and should be exposed. However, who will expose a Jewish person displaying what I call anti-Kemetic behavior? ( anti-black). Although Mel Gibsons words were indeed Anti-Semitic and should be condemned, his statements and actions paled in comparison to the vicious, hateful speech of Michael Richards. If Richards is not a bigot what is he?
See and hear for yourself.